Equalities Objectives
- To close the gap between boys and girls in English, Mathematics and Science at all key stages.
- To close the gap in performance of all pupils with special educational needs or disabilities.
- To promote cultural development and understanding through a rich range of experiences both in and beyond the curriculum.
- To prevent and respond to all hate incidents and prejudice-based bullying.
British Values and SMSC
We are proud to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. We also aim for all students to develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. We do this through our SPACE (Social, Personal, Aspirations, Careers and Ethics) Education curriculum, through assemblies, and through whole school events and initiatives.
We are particularly proud of our history in engaging students with the democratic process, voting, and understanding the election process. We continue to run student-led ‘Mock Elections’ as and when appropriate alongside national elections to engage students in this important process, and this is incredibly popular with a high student turnout.
- A year-round assembly programme covering a variety of national days and weeks, notable events, and opportunities to celebrate religious festivals.
- Our weekly ‘Thought of the Week’ which is shared around the school and also on social media through the hashtag #FXAThought
- SPACE (Social, Personal, Aspirations, Careers and Ethics) education lessons are a further opportunity for students to develop in these areas as they explore the themes of ‘Wellbeing and Belief’, ‘Relationships and Social Skills’, and ‘Living in the Wider World’.
- Our full-time School Chaplaincy provision offers a range of opportunities and enrichment projects for students to partake in, in and around the school.