Key Stage 4 Resources for Revision
At Felixstowe School, teachers work alongside families and students to ensure that students are well prepared for sitting their final examinations at the end of Year 11.
Students begin studying their Key Stage 4 courses, which may be GCSEs or some vocational qualifications, at the start of Year 10, having had advice and guidance from key staff during the options process in Year 9.
Subject teachers can advise students and their families on which revision guides are available from sale from the school directly, or can support with advice should you wish to purchase different guides from other suppliers.
As part of the support for our Key Stage 4 students, we run a Parents’ Forum evening specificallly aimed at sharing information on how to support your child during their time studying their GCSEs. For families with a Year 10 student, this takes the form of a talk in the hall focused on the core subjects of English, Maths and Science. For families with a Year 11 student, they will experience the same talk, with a further opportunity to enter breakout rooms to have a short session with leaders of the options subjects.
We encourage a close working relationship between home and school, as we know that this is the best way to support students and ensure that they reach their full potential.
In terms of revision, we know that little and often works best, rather than cramming material at the end of the course. The more frequently content is reviewed, the less hard students need to work to remember it and make connections in order to be able to answer examination questions.
Felixstowe School also provides access to a number of online learning platforms which can be an excellent source of support for students.
We also provide access to a number of excellent online systems to support learning throughout the year, which are particularly useful when school is closed (see below).
Useful for all students & parents Shows individual homework tasks, targets from Academic tutoring and for some subjects feedback to assessments. Email if you need help to login. | | |
Most useful for Years 10 & 11 A collection of short, memorable audio and graphical clips which are a great aid to revision when used regularly fr revision. After viewing a clip then make notes and test yourself. Younger students can also login by clicking “New Here, Get Started” on login page. Email if you require help. | | |
Useful for students of all ages, especially years 7-9 Great competitive fun while you practise your recall of times tables. Vital for developing fluency. Email if you require help to access it. | | |
Useful for all students studying Maths Contains excellent short videos on al Maths topics, which can then be practiced and marked online. If you need help access Mathswatch please email | | |
Useful for all students A comprehensive range of online teaching and assessment tools used to support students work in a range of subjects. | | |
Used for Science, History, Geography and Computer Science. A range of support items and quizzes that allow self assessment and can support students to ensure they learn key information, can retrieve golden knowledge and help them focus their revision. | |