Felixstowe School

The Felixstowe Way

The Felixstowe Way is a combined character development and awards programme that is embedded at the core of every activity that students are involved in at Felixstowe School.

The programme is built on the three ‘I’s” of Inspiration, Influence and Integrity. By engaging in the programme, students have the opportunity to influence others by acting with integrity and inspire their peers to follow in their footsteps to aspire to become the next “Felixstonian” student leader.

This most important part of our awards system has been designed to guide students on a leadership pathway in readiness for the competitive world that awaits them in the future. It is also designed to recognise students for their efforts to improve both themselves and the school, be it via the progress they make in lessons or the positive contributions they have made to their community.

The Felixstowe Way sets out the values and ethos that create successful and well-rounded young people; our awards are based closely on the demonstration of these values by students in their daily conduct. Most critically however, the awards recognise students’ contribution to the wider school community.

Students will have the opportunity to receive a variety of awards and put themselves forward for a range of leadership roles. ‘Pips’ are awarded at the end of year 7, 8, and 9 in recognition of following the key principles of the Felixstowe Way in school and the wider community:

  • Resilience
  • Independence
  • Confidence
  • Happiness

emselves in a productive, polite and helpful manner as evidenced by positive reward points, and the observations of staff.

Students must also evidence how they have contributed to the Felixstowe or wider community. This may include other positions of responsibility, participation in school events, competitive sports or music.

All applications are taken on an individual basis. However, for applications to be considered, the points below are key to their success:

  • Attendance above 95% (unless evidenced medical reason prevents this)
  • Average attitude to learning grade of 4
  • A record of service to the School and local community
  • Evidence of contribution to their local community

By far the most important aspect of the Felixstowe Way Awards however, is a student’s contribution to their community.

Alongside the Pips, students will also keep a record of achievement on all of their activities – inside and out school – that develop their character and leadership prowess. As students progress through to key stage 4 there will be opportunities to achieve Ribbons of Excellence across the following areas:



Creative Arts

Commitment to Learning


Students will be provided with a clear set of criteria to help guide them on achieving these ribbons.

Leadership Opportunities

Students will be able to apply for a range of leadership roles (please see the leadership hierarchy below).

These roles are for students that have fully bought into the Felixstowe Way, who have been role models during lesson time, stepped outside of their comfort zone, and have demonstrated a willingness to go the extra mile to develop themselves and in the process of doing so, helped others within the school or wider community.

Each role has its own job description and responsibilities.

Following the guidance of the programme from Year 7 onwards will strengthen their case to be considered for these roles.

For more information, contact Mrs A Lloyd, Assistant Headteacher, via alloyd@fxs.org.uk.