Felixstowe School

About Us

Westley Campus offers an excellent all-round education, within a stimulating environment, for pupils aged 9-13, as part of the Bury St Edmunds All Through Trust. We are very proud of the range of opportunities that we offer, to enable children to grow in all areas of school life.

We have an exciting curriculum to get the best out of every pupil and an extensive extra curriculum programme that will capture their interest, covering music, drama, sport, art and crafts, computing, Warhammer and much more.

The care and emotional development of our pupils is extremely important and we have developed a pastoral system that nurtures each child whilst keeping them safe (see the safeguarding policy). At the same time we challenge pupils to be the best they can be by discovering and developing their talents. We want all pupils to make the best progress they can, regardless of their background (see pupil premium spending).

Our Pastoral Support Manager works closely with class teachers to ensure that pupils have the support and care they need, especially through any difficult times. We encourage all staff and parents to be involved in keeping children safe and any concerns can be addressed via the office or the Suffolk Customer First page.

About All-Through Education in Bury St Edmunds

Tollgate Primary, Horringer Court, Westley and County Upper are part of Unity Schools Partnership. The Partnership shares our vision of a strong all-round education for all and we are delighted to be part of this wider network of schools. Within this partnership, we continue to provide our very successful all-through approach to education in three phases. These phases cover the 4-9; 9-13 and 13-18 age ranges and fit more naturally with the personal development of the overwhelming majority of young people, so enabling them better to reach their potential.

The close working of our four schools ensures curriculum continuity and provides a huge range of extra-curricular experiences, including all-through subject days, a sport partnership and our big arts events at The Apex and the Theatre Royal. We are renowned for the supportive, happy, nurturing communities we foster, the high standards we achieve and the forward looking education we offer from nursery through to ‘A’ level.

Any student who is not already in our system, can move into our schools, especially at years 5 and 9 and for sixth form. To find out what you need to do and how to get an application form visit the admissions page. If you would like to discuss our approach and to meet us in person, do contact us. We look forward to welcoming you.

If you would like any of the information on this web site in printed form please contact us. We make no charge for this.

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