Felixstowe School

Contact us

Welcome to Felixstowe School

Contact Details

Felixstowe School
High Street,
IP11 9QR.

Telephone: 01394 288228
Email: office@fxs.org.uk

Key contacts

Headteacher: Mrs Emma Wilson-Downes

SENDCO: Mr Ben Bullock

Chair of Governors: Our Chair, Sue Leon, can be contacted through the school’s postal address, or by the Headteacher’s PA via kadams@fxs.org.uk.

Headteacher’s PA : Miss Katy Adams kadams@fxs.org.uk

PA Maternity Cover: Mrs Sue Brown sbrown@fxs.org.uk

Administration contact:

Our office team will be happy to assist you if you have any questions about our school or require further information. Please email office@fxs.org.uk

Where to find us

Unity Schools Partnership

We are part of Unity Schools Partnership. They are contactable through the following details: 

Unity Schools Partnership Offices, 
Park Road, Haverhill, 
Suffolk, CB9 7YD. 
Tel: 01440 333400.
Email: ltaylor@unitysp.co.uk
Website: www.unitysp.co.uk

Unity Schools Partnership is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with the company number 07400386.
The registered office is at Unity Offices, Homefield Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 8QP.