Felixstowe School

ICT and Computer Science

Computing engages learners as it encapsulates so many different learning arenas that are so prevalent in our society. It appears everywhere, shaping our lives and emerging needs.

In the last 30 years the role of computers and use of them in both our day to day lives and industry has changed the way people work. There is an expectation that both adults and students can navigate the digital environment, whilst being able to use basic software, and communicate digitally. A more environmentally conscious society, a growing automation industry, and an ever-evolving gaming sector will only mean that the consumption of all things digital will increase. 

Within the term of “Computing” there are two sections that students are made aware of. The first section is known as Information Technology, a phrase that is familiar to most people. In this section students will learn how to use computers or technology for a specific purpose. An example of this could be the use of spreadsheets, the learning of skills necessary to be confident and competent in its use. The skills taught will have both a practical personal use and how these skills can be replicated in the world of commerce.

Another example which also includes both a creative and commerce skill is the creation of a website using Google Sites. In this project the students are required to understand e-commerce and how they could plan, develop & implement a website to sell goods or services to the public.

The second section which is a new growth area both within schools and industry is computer science. This section teaches students about how a computer works, both on its own and as part of a collective network. This teaching includes learning both about hardware of a computer e.g. Hard Disk Drive or CPU (Central Processing Unit) and the software of a computer e.g. Windows 10 or Google Chrome.  This ensures students develop problem solving skills which have a lifelong benefit, this is in particular when students undertake computer programming learning. Several computer programming languages are taught including; Python & HTML which are both used in industry for the development of products used worldwide. A career in computer science opens up many rewarding opportunities for students and is a genuine growth industry due to the world become more reliant on digital technology.     

At Felixstowe School we embrace the important place digital technology has in our society, therefore, students are purposefully exposed to many different types of software across a range of subjects including, Photography, Media Studies, and Music. Their digital literacy will be enhanced in all subjects through research using the internet and interacting with programmes such as My Maths.