Physical Education is an integral part of enhancing the health and fitness of students creating opportunities to enjoy and develop a lifelong love for physical activities.
At Felixstowe School we understand the importance of good physical and mental health. Our curriculum is designed to ignite a passion for sport, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle that will last beyond the high school journey. We know embracing physical activity regularly is a really important element when it comes to having positive life experience. The successes and failures in sport help to build resilience, which is essential for the journey through academia and life.
At Key Stage 3 students take part in a range of activities, including basketball, gymnastics, and tennis – a sense of good sportspersonship is instilled. The sports and activities selected help to develop an understanding of competition and what it means to work as part of a team as well as individual goal setting. We know how important good health awareness is, therefore we ensure all students gain the knowledge and understanding they need in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle now and in the future.
At Key Stage 4 students who opt for GCSE Physical Education will build on the knowledge gained, enhancing their understanding of the biomechanics of the body, anatomy and physiology, and well-being. Core Physical Education will enhance GCSE, whilst offering those students who have not opted for the GCSE further opportunities to build self-esteem and physical confidence.
Our Physical Education curriculum is both enhanced and enhances other subjects, such as Science, Food Technology, and Mathematics. Developing communication and problem-solving skills are also at the forefront of our planning as we recognise how important these skills are in life beyond school.