Ordering Process for School Uniform
Parents and Carers are able to order their child’s Felixstowe School uniform via a dedicated website. In order to provide a more efficient service, the supply of branded uniform will only be available from our supplier here.
Second-hand uniform is also now available to by via our ‘Grown out of it’ page which can be found here.
Should you have any technical problems ordering online, please contact the Main Reception on 01394 288228.
All students in Years 7 to 11 are required to wear our school uniform, details of which are given below. It is expected that all students will maintain a high standard of dress within our school at all times. Many uniform items, such as shirts, trousers and sports kit are available from a variety of retailers and uniform stockists at reasonable prices.
Please see visual guidance within the uniform policy that illustrates suitable and unsuitable footwear, however as a rough guide, shoes should be leather or leather look. They should be free from any visible logos or non-black stitching, and please note that Nike, Vans, Converse etc type shoes are not part of our uniform. Please check carefully when purchasing shoes, as may shoes sold as “school shoes” do not form part of our smart uniform, and we do not want families to be out of pocket by being lured into purchasing the wrong shoes in error. Please ask if you are in any doubt – you can email photos to office@fxs.org.uk for clarification if required, prior to purchasing.
In the case of family hardship, the Local Governing Board invites parents/carers to apply in confidence for financial support.
The only school jumpers that are permitted is the Felixstowe School uniform jumper, which is purchased from Anglia Schoolwear and is black with blue and gold neckline detail, or a plain black fine-knit V-neck jumper. No round necked jumpers, sweatshirts, or any type of logo is permitted. The jumper is not a compulsory uniform item, so students do not require one unless they wish to wear one.
Students are welcome to wear a coat, jacket or other outerwear on their journey to and from school, and at break or lunch if outside, but these must be removed when inside the school building.
Uniform summary:
- Black school shoes (no trainer style shoes, including Vans, Converse, Nike or any similar trainer types)
- Black ankle socks (crew length, not trainer socks)
- School plaid kilt skirt (purchased from Anglia School wear only) or Black formal trousers (from any retailer but not skinny in style, no jeans or chino type) or Black knee length tailored shorts
- White shirt
- Tie (purchased from Anglia School wear only)
- Blazer (purchased from Anglia School wear only)
- Optional school jumper (plain fine-knit V-Neck or purchased from Anglia School wear only)
PE Uniform Summary:
- House PE Top (purchased from Anglia School Wear only)
- Black Sports shorts (plain, no large logos) or Black jogging bottoms/ leggings (plain, no large logos)
- Optional School PE Jumper (purchased from Anglia School Wear only)
- Trainers with non-marking soles