Felixstowe School

Severe Weather

Very occasionally, severe weather can create conditions which affect the ability to keep the school open. A decision to close may need to be made in the following circumstances:

  • Severe weather occurs when the school is already open and the severe weather incident occurs or is forecast for the middle of the day;
  • The night before a severe weather incident has been forecast;
  • Early morning after or during a severe weather incident.

The main considerations in making decisions to close are:

  • Health and safety of students, staff, and visitors travelling to and from and around the site;
  • Travel delays at the start of the day causing supervision issues in the school;
  • Ability to provide food for students and staff during the academic day;
  • Effects of the extreme conditions on the school site; and
  • Travel considerations later in the day for a safe journey home.

Whenever there is a school closure, parents/carers will be contacted in the following ways:

  • Via this website (on the front page);
  • local radio stations.

Only the Headteacher can make the decision to close the school. All Headteachers in the Felixstowe double pyramid have pledged to work together to co-ordinate opening / closure in severe weather across the town.

The only definitive guide to school closures is the Suffolk County Council School Closure Website.